Natural and undetectable Integrated Women’s hair loss remedies. Look and Feel Fantastic!

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Proven Female
Hair Loss Solutions

Qualified Women's
Hair Loss Experts

Discrete & Confidential
Ladies Hair Loss Practice

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Real & Innovative Solutions for Female Hair Loss

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Life Changing Female Hair Loss Solutions.
MW Hair Loss Integration Systems...
Be Confident Be Yourself!
Any Colour, Any Style With No Surgery.  

The process of hair loss or thinning and patchy hair can be incredibly difficult for anyone, especially so for women.


We want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. Here at MW Hair Loss, we offer female hair loss solutions that are painless, non-surgical hair replacement systems, 100% natural and made to seamlessly blend with your original hair type and colour.

MW Hair Loss is committed to putting you at ease and helping you to restore your lost confidence by providing you with a beautiful head of hair… The best part is that no one needs to know that it’s a women’s hair replacement system! The start to transforming your thinning or patchy hair into a luxurious, healthy head of hair is as simple as booking your first appointment with MW Hair Loss for a discreet and informative consultation!

female hair integration systems in staffordshire

What Causes Hair Loss In Women?

There can prove to be many reasons why a woman may lose her hair. If your hair loss comes on all of a sudden, it could prove to be a sign of an underlying health condition.

  1. Genetics. Thanks, Mum and Dad! For some women, this form of hair loss is usually slow and shows more as you age.
  2. Hormones. Androgenic alopecia and Telium Effluvium (TE) are two variations of female hair loss typically caused partly by an increase in male hormones called androgens. The rise in TE levels often occurs during pregnancy and childbirth, female menopause and ovarian cysts, or prescription, androgen-heavy birth control tablets or pills.
  3. Vitamin deficiencies. Many dermatologists suspect that the vitamins B12 and B6, zinc and amino acid L-lysine can also lead to TE.
  4. Autoimmune responses. Autoimmune illnesses such as Celiac Disease, Alopecia Areata, and Lupas can bring on hair loss.
  5. Thyroid conditions. Thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism, can also encourage female hair loss.
  6. Pharmaceutical drugs. Certain medications, drugs or supplements also have the undesirable side effect of causing the hair to thin. Consult your family GP if you fear that your prescription medications are causing your hair loss.
  7. Stress. Life traumas, grief or high-stress levels can cause unanticipated hair loss. Usually, this type of hair loss is short-lived.
  8. Excessive hair treatments. Frequent bleaching and perm treatments, hot hair ironing, and the persistent use of hair dryers at high temperatures can also cause the hair to become weak, break and fall out.

Don't let female hair loss get you down, we have the perfect solution!

female hair loss solutions stoke on trent

We understand that female-related hair loss can be a sensitive and confidence-destroying issue for women.

MW Hair Loss knows how important it is for a woman to feel confident and beautiful, which is why we are here to help by offering women our truly innovative hair loss solutions.

We provide a bespoke range of practical and effective natural-looking hair loss remedies. You’ll find that our innovative hair integration systems can genuinely give you back a beautiful, full head of hair.

Why Me?

Many root causes can contribute to female hair loss, including alopecia, an umbrella term that includes female hair loss and thinning hair. 

There are various reasons that can cause a woman to start losing their hair, including genetics, hormonal changes, age, illness and stress and medically induced hair loss, such as that resulting from chemotherapy.

While the main cause of female hair loss is still largely unknown, there are plenty of theories floating around. Some experts believe that one potential reason for hair loss among some women is down to the decreased production of DHT. For those who don’t know, DHT is a hormone that’s also responsible for causing male pattern baldness and thinner hair too. Another school of thought holds that female hair loss might be due to an imbalance of hormones in the scalp. 

Whatever the reason, MW Hair Loss can offer you real and tangible female hair loss solutions.

Suffering from female Hair Loss? Book a consultation


Unique Female Hair loss Integration Systems

Regardless of the cause, if female hair loss is severe or chronic, professional help may be necessary and MW Hair Loss has clever and innovative ways to discretely hide female hair loss!

Our Mesh and Meshless Hair integration systems are designed for women with moderate to severe hair loss or thinning hair, with up to 70% hair loss.

The MW meshless integration system is constructed from the clients existing hair using micro rings and a unique lattice pattern, without the need for glue, tape or the need to cut or shave off any of the natural hair!

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At MW Hair Loss, we believe that every woman should have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy, beautiful head of hair!

That’s why we offer a variety of female hair loss solutions that focus on restoring lost hair without invasive surgery or drugs.

Our systems use tested and proven hair restoration technologies designed to work with your natural hair texture and density. Plus, our hair integration systems are affordable without sacrificing quality or effectiveness.

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qualified mesh and meshless hair integration

Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

We're Here To Help

With over 25 years of acquired hair and beauty sector experience, we’re here to provide you with a welcoming helping hand and guide you in finding the perfect female hair loss solution. We offer our clients a free discrete consultation service so that we can work together to understand and appreciate your unique situation.

MW Hair Loss is here to help you find the best possible solution
for your hair with the minimum of fuss.

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Why Choose MW Hair Loss?

We genuinely understand the impact, frustration and insecurity
that hair loss can bring to Women.

Our absolute first and foremost priority is to provide the highest quality female hair loss solutions to our clients that prove to be both effective and natural-looking. Our innovative, non-surgical, non-invasive hair integration systems enable you to achieve thick, luscious hair without damaging your existing hair.